Award Winner: Dr. Stephen J. Gordon.
Dentistry at Millennium Park in Chicago, IL.

Documentation from Dr. Stephen Gordon (Chicago, IL) indicates a significant reduction in bleeding on probing and pocket depths for his patient in this case study. The patient has a long history of gum care. In 1999 she had a gum graft surgery, followed by regular intervals (every 4 months) of periodontal maintenance visits to her periodontist. At her maintenance visit in August 2009, a second surgery was recommended. She wanted to avoid another surgery and sought a second option.
The first chart comes from the initial visit with Dr. Gordon, the dentist who gave her a second opinion. He recommended customized prescription tray to place medication in her pockets between office visits. She agreed. At a subsequent visit, specialized impressions were taken for customized tray fabrication. She received her trays on October 9, 2009 and the first recall visit occurred on October 21, 2009, at which the second perio charting was taken. This patient faithfully delivered the prescribed medication with the prescription trays 5x/day for 12 days. No other treatment was performed during this time. Her results indicate 96% of sites bled on probing before treatment and only 4% after the initial 12 days.
Learn more information about the prescription Perio Tray® from Perio Protect.