Award Winners: Dr. Terry Deeter D.D.S., Amber Olson-Rambur RDH, & Shannon Davis RDH.
Deeter Dental Group in Bismark, ND.

Dr. Terry Deeter, RDH Amber Olsen-Rambur and RDH Shannon Davis share the Orkos Award for their case study documenting substantial reductions in bleeding on probing and pocket depths with minimally invasive dentistry. The patient in this case study presented on August 5, 2008, with 100% bleeding on probing and pocket depths up to 6mm (1-3mm is considered healthy). Dr. Deeter first prescribed customized prescription trays to deliver medication into the pockets and followed with site specific laser treatment.
The patient received her prescription trays and medication (active ingredient 1.7% hydrogen peroxide) on August 26, at which time she was instructed to wear her trays four times a day for 15 minutes to place the medication into the periodontal pockets and to continue brushing and flossing. No other procedures were preformed at this time. When she returned to the office for her first recall visit on September 10, an examination found that bleeding was reduced to 57% and pockets had responded with 1-2mm depth reductions. The patient was instructed to continue with the specialized tray delivery of medication four times a day and to return in a month. At the second recall visit on October 8, bleeding on probing measured 4% and pocket depths showed continued improvement. The few pockets over the normal depth of 3mm were treated with laser therapy on January 13, 2009.
Twelve months later, the patient returned to the office and all pockets except for one measured within normal range. Bleeding remained low at 2%. This patient carefully followed her treatment protocol as outlined by Dr. Deeter and emphasized by hygienists Olson-Rambur and Davis. “The treatment results are exciting,” said Olson-Rambur, “because we were able to obtain such good results with the medication in the trays before site-specific treatment with the laser. Patients like the minimally invasive approach. The side effect of gradual tooth whitening is also appreciated.”
Learn more information about the prescription Perio Tray® from Perio Protect.